My story

My name is Sonya Baker I’m 30 years old and I’m from Detroit MI. Ever since I was 8 years old I wanted to work in the entertainment industry. I graduated from high school on June 10, 1998 and the first thing my mom said was “Sonya” what are you going to do with your life? I told her that I was going to get a job working at FM98WJLB radio station and that I was going to make her proud. She then said so you think it’s going to be that easy? Let’s just say I worked for FM98WJLB for 8 years and now I’m working in television in the media/social media department. Some people say it was just luck but I tell them that it’s a blessing.

In my spare time: I know you can’t tell by just looking at me but my favorite sport is golf. I have been playing golf for over 22 years because my mom told me that you can close big deals on the golf course.